Oldham Historical Research Group

Scan and page transcript from:
Historical Sketches of Oldham by Edwin Butterworth
Pub. 1856

Historical Sketches of Oldham by Edwin Butterworth

Robert Gregge Hopwood, Esq., the present possessor, and the estate of Chamber Hall to his three daughters in equal portions; the late Miss Hopwood, of Hopwood Cottage, formerly of Chamber Cottage, a modern house near Chamber Hall, Mrs. Starky (Elizabeth, the wife of James Starky, Esq., of Heywood and Fell Foot, Windermere,) and Mrs. Heron (the wife of Peter Heron, Esq., Daresbury, Cheshire, late M.P. and Lieutenant-General in the Army). The present owners of the Chamber Hall property are Edward Gregge Hopwood, Esq., as heir of his aunt, Miss Hopwood, heirs of James Starky, Esq., and Peter Heron, Esq}; Few old halls are unconnected with legendery lore, and consequently this venerable mansion is peopled by Dame Tradition, with spectres of other days. Some old inhabitants of the neighbourhood are firm to the popular belief of a particular chamber in the Hall being haunted, by an apparition which so terrified the possessors - the Wroe family, then connected with the Wrigleys, as lessees - as to determine them to quit the abode. The adventures of this evil spirit seem to have been similar to those attributed to the unearthly visitant of Boggart Hole Clough, near Blakeley. Every method possible was tried to get rid of the unwelcome intruder, yet all was in vain, and the master of the house, being out of all patience, made up his mind to leave; but when everything was just packed up ready for removal, a voice, but too well known, was heard from the direction of the haunted room, repeating in most appalling accents, "Stop, stop, Mr. Wroe, while I get ready, and I'll follow you!"

The eminence adjacent to Chamber Hall, is the spot whence Mr. Kinder Wood, of Manchester, surgeon, beheld most forcibly the scenery described in his poem, entitled, " A Prospect of Manchester," published 1813.
*The present owners of Chamber Hall property are Edward John Gregge Hopwood, Esq., Catherine Heron, Mary Felicia Barry, the Rev. George Heron, Henry Heron Esq., the Rev. Frank George Hopwood. and Hervey Hopwood, Esq.


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